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1# .
夜摩天 发表于 2011-1-19 16:00:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
#TRIGGER {重新连线完毕。} {#t- a;#if (@fuben>0) {#ti 1;#t+ move;#t+ slguai;#t+ kill;get z from move} {#t+ xuexi;look}} {a} 519
#TRIGGER {^慢慢地你终于又有了知觉....} {1eat} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^目前共有 * 位巫师、* 位玩家在线上,以及} {#timer 0;@_myid;@_passwd;y} {a} 519
#TRIGGER {^你找不到 gnt 这样东西。} {#wa 1000;gnt} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^你找不到 move 这样东西。} {#wa 300;#if (%len(@kill)>2) {kkk} {#if (@stay=0) {mgolist;summon @diu_id;yun refresh;drop @diu_id;temp=@cst} {temp=@bst};minitdr;@cst;get x from move}} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {^你现在没有办法分心去做这类事!} {#wa 500;1pfm;#wa 2000;yun heal} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {^你要守卫谁,什麽,或是哪个方向?} {yun recover;look;get x from move} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {^【潜能上限】%s(%d)%s【体会上限】%s(%d)} {hp_pot_lmt=%1;hp_th_lmt=%2} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {^【 ?? ?? 】*【 经 验 】%s(%d)} {hp_exp=%1} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {^【 食 物 】%s%d/%s%d%s【 潜 能 】%s(%d)} {hp_pot=%1} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {^【 饮 水 】%s%d/%s%d%s【 体 会 】%s(%d)} {hp_th=%1} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {^    这里{明显|唯一}的出口是} {stay=0;kill=0} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {~(toad~)} {kill=toad} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(blood wolf~)} {kill=blood wolf} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(wolf king~)} {kill=wolf king} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(ghost wolf~)} {kill=ghost wolf} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(tiger king~)} {kill=tiger king} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(big tiger~)} {kill=big tiger} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(snake king~)} {kill=snake king} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(big snake~)} {kill=big snake} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(rabbit~)} {kill=rabbit} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(dragon lord~)} {kill=dragon lord} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(bear king~)} {kill=bear king} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {~(big bear~)} {kill=big bear} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {^  宝箱~(box~)} {open box;get all from box} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^你找不到 check exp 这样东西。} {#if (@hp_exp>@_explmt) {bup 100000;hp;#wa 5000;get all from check exp} {@work}} {maze} 519
#TRIGGER {^    这是一个猎物收购者,给他一定数量的猎物,获取你的奖励!} {give all to forest hunter;#t- slguai;hp;#wa 1000;i;out;fuben=0} {maze} 519
#TRIGGER {^你连线进入武林} {wear all;summon bei bao;hp -m;hp;e;9buy} {a} 519
#ALARM {*:*1} {hp;#if (@hp_qi_per<40) {eat jiuhua wan};#if (@hp_qi<(@hp_qi_max/2)) {yun recover};1pfm} {pfm} 556
#TRIGGER {^*只能对战斗中的对手使用。} {yun heal;#t- pfm;} {pfm} 548
#TRIGGER {^你现在真气不够,难以施展*。} {ttt} {} 519
#TRIGGER {~(dragon baby~)} {kill=dragon baby} {kill} 519
#TRIGGER {^{吊睛|白额}猛虎仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get tiger bone from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^{黑|白|棕}熊仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get bear hand from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^{紫斑|黑冠|绿环}王蛇仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get snake egg from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^{黑|白|棕}熊王仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get xiong dan from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^虎妖仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get tiger xxx from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^幽灵狼王仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get wolf eye from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^幽灵狼仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get lang rou from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^小龙仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get dragon scale from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^烈火孽龙仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get dragon egg from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^{绿|花|青}蛇仰天惨嚎了一声,趴在地上不动了。} {get she dan from corpse} {slguai} 519
#TRIGGER {^你的(*)火候不够,难以继续提升你(*)的水平。} {jifa1} {xuexi} 548
#TRIGGER {^你的(*)水平有限,无法领会更高深的(*)。} {jifa1} {xuexi} 548
#TRIGGER {^    这是竹林一角的听涛阁,在这里风吹竹叶的阵阵涛声听的非常真} {hp;#if (@hp_exp>@_explmt) {whistle @_pet;bup 100000;hp;#wa 5000;look} {#t+ xuexi;shu=200;#wa 1000;set no_tell xuexi}} {xuexi} 548
#TRIGGER {^设定环境变数:no_tell = "xuexi"} {#if (@fb_time>0) {#t- xuexi;halt;w;9fuben} {halt;1yy;1lx;jiqu;hp;#wa 1000;set no_tell xuexi}} {xuexi} 548
#TRIGGER {^一阵时空的扭曲将你传送到另一个地方} {#if (@hp_pot>@hp_pot_lmt) {#t- move;#t- kill;#t- pfm;#t- give;#t+ xuexi1;#t- xuexi;#ti 0;fb_time=0;#wa 1000;halt;1liwu;e;gohome} {#if (@fb_time>0) {#t- move;#t- kill;#t- pfm;#t- give;#wa 1000;halt;e;9fuben} {#t- move;#t- kill;#t- pfm;#t- give;#t- xuexi1;#t+ xuexi;#wa 1000;halt;e;gohome}}} {begin} 519
#TRIGGER {^也许是缺乏实战经验,你感到难以继续研究*的问题了。} {#add num 1;#if (@num>10) {num=1}} {xuexi} 548
#TRIGGER {^【 气 血 】%s(%d)/%s(%d)%s~((*)~%~)%s【 内 力 】%s(%d)%s/%s(%d)%s} {hp_qi=%1;hp_qi_max=%2;hp_qi_per=%3;hp_neili=%4;#if (@hp_neili<@_neililmt) {ttt;yun refresh}} {hp} 519
#TRIGGER {^你现在气血充盈,不需要疗伤。} {guard x} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {^你运功完毕,吐出一口瘀血,自觉经脉顺畅,内伤尽去,神元气足地站了起来。} {1yg;yun recover;yun regenerate;guard x} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {^降龙十八掌博大精深,无法靠着普通的练习提升。} {jifa2} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^设定环境变数:no_tell = "xuexi"} {#if (@hp_pot<200000) {#if (@fb_time>0) {#t- xuexi;halt;w;9fuben} {halt;1yy;1lx;jiqu;hp;#wa 1000;set no_tell xuexi}} {halt;1yy;1lx;jiqu;hp;#wa 1000;set no_tell xuexi}} {xuexi1} 548
#TRIGGER {^    这是竹林一角的听涛阁,在这里风吹竹叶的阵阵涛声听的非常真} {hp;#if (@hp_exp>@_explmt) {whistle @_pet;bup 100000;hp;#wa 5000;look} {#t+ xuexi;shu=1000;summon diamondemblem;#wa 1000;set no_tell xuexi}} {xuexi1} 548
#TRIGGER {^也许是缺乏实战经验,你感到难以继续研究*的问题了。} {#add num 1;#if (@num>10) {num=1}} {xuexi1} 548
#TRIGGER {^你的(*)火候不够,难以继续提升你(*)的水平。} {jifa2} {xuexi1} 548
#TRIGGER {^你的(*)水平有限,无法领会更高深的(*)。} {jifa2} {xuexi1} 548
#TRIGGER {^你离上次进入副本时间太短,请休息会再来。} {#wa 2000;@work} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^原始森林出口$} {#t- move;#t- pfm;#if (@leave>0) {leave=0;golist=%additem(@cst,@golist);golist=%additem(@cst,@golist);#wa 2000;#t+ move;@bst;guard x}} {senlin} 548
#TRIGGER {^原始森林入口$} {#if (@leave=0) {#t- move;#t- senlin;@bst;summon @_sum;@cst;#wa 1000;mbacksl}} {senlin} 548
#TRIGGER {^祝你好运气!} {#ts 600;#ti 1;fb_time=0;fuben=1;#t+ begin;#t+ slguai;#t+ move;#t- xuexi;leave=1;golist=;1eat;halt;1yg;1jf;hp;yj;yq;#wa 2000;get all from gnt;#alias gnt {halt;#t+ move;#t+ kill;#t- give;cst=w;bst=e;#2 @cst;get all from move}} {senlin} 548
#TRIGGER {^  宝箱~(bao xiang~)} {open bao xiang;get all from bao xiang} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^你从打开的宝箱中拿出*~((*)~)。} {box_wp=%1;#if (%ismember(@box_wp,@_nogiv|@_nodrop|@_armor|gold)=0) {drop @box_wp} {store @box_wp}} {} 519
#TRIGGER {^看起来(%c)想杀死你!} {#t+ pfm} {zzz} 519
#TRIGGER {^  @diu_name~(@mark~)} {stay=1} {move} 548
#TRIGGER {^你从店小二那里买下了*块干粮。} {#t- buy;w;9fuben} {buy} 519
#TRIGGER {^你从店小二那里买下了一支牛皮水袋。} {buy=100 gan liang;#wa 500;buy @buy} {buy} 519
#TRIGGER {^你身上没有这样道具。} {buy=100 gan liang;buy @buy} {buy} 519
#TRIGGER {^你身上没有这样东西可以用来浸入。} {buy=3 shui dai;buy @buy} {buy} 519
#TRIGGER {^你无法把牛皮水袋浸入干粮。} {#t- buy;#wa 1000;w;9fuben} {buy} 519
#TRIGGER {不耐烦道:“没看见我这儿正忙着么?”} {#wa 500;buy @buy} {buy} 519
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2# .
 楼主| 夜摩天 发表于 2011-1-19 16:59:42 | 只看该作者
#ALIAS con {#con}
#ALIAS 1eat {eat gan liang;drink shui dai}
#ALIAS di {#di}
#ALIAS 9buy {r jingzhou;n;e;1eat;#t+ buy;imbue shui dai in gan liang}
#ALIAS 9fuben {#t+ begin;#t+ senlin;r luoyang;#3 n;e;work={enter forest};hp;get all from check exp}
#ALIAS 1pfm {perform @_pfm}
#ALIAS minitdr {#if (@temp=w) {cst=n;bst=s};#if (@temp=n) {cst=e;bst=w};#if (@temp=e) {cst=s;bst=n};#if (@temp=s) {cst=w;bst=e}}
#ALIAS gnt {halt;#t+ move;#t+ kill;#t- give;cst=s;bst=n;#2 @cst;get all from move}
#ALIAS kkk {kill @kill;1pfm;#t+ pfm}
#ALIAS mgiv3 {temp=0;#forall (@items3) {give %i to forest hunter};get all from mgiv3}
#ALIAS mgiv1 {temp=0;#forall (@items1) {give %i to forest hunter};get all from mgiv1}
#ALIAS mgiv2 {temp=0;#forall (@items2) {give %i to forest hunter};get all from mgiv2}
#ALIAS mgiv4 {i;out}
#ALIAS 1jf {jifa strike dragon-strike;bei none;bei strike;jiali max}
#ALIAS 1yy {yanjiu@num}
#ALIAS mgolist {#if (@leave<>0) {golist=%additem(@cst,@golist);golist=%remove(|n|s,@golist);golist=%remove(|s|n,@golist);golist=%remove(|w|e,@golist);golist=%remove(|e|w,@golist)}}
#ALIAS 1liwu {ask nan xian about 高效练功}
#ALIAS ttt {summon @10lv;touch @10lv}
#ALIAS yhh {yun inspire}
#ALIAS gohome {num=1;fuben=0;r home;@home_id;n;push door;#6 n;e;e;wear all;look}
#ALIAS gohqg {r yangzhou;e;e;e;e;n;e;n;w;n;e;n;w;n;open east;enter;e}
#ALIAS 1yg {yun powerup;yun shengang;jifa dodge shexing-lifan;perform dodge.guiyuan;jifa dodge zhuangzi-wu;perform dodge.hua;jifa dodge feiyan-zoubi}
#ALIAS r {whistle @_pet;ride @_pet;rideto %1}
#ALIAS yanjiu1 {yanjiu force @shu;}
#ALIAS yanjiu2 {yanjiu huntian-qigong @shu}
#ALIAS 1lx {lian dodge 200;yun recover}
#ALIAS yanjiu3 {yanjiu strike @shu}
#ALIAS yanjiu4 {yanjiu dodge @shu}
#ALIAS yanjiu5 {yanjiu parry @shu}
#ALIAS yanjiu6 {yanjiu unarmed @shu}
#ALIAS jifa3 {jifa unarmed %word(cuixin-zhang houquan jueming-tui changquan,%random(1,4))}
#ALIAS jifa2 {jifa strike %word(xuanming-zhang banruo-zhang jinshe-zhang xiaoyaoyou cuixin-zhang,%random(1,5))}
#ALIAS jifa1 {jifa dodge %word(zhuangzi-wu shexing-lifan shenxing-baibian feiyan-zoubi yunlong-shenfa xiaoyaoyou,%random(1,6))}
#ALIAS yanjiu8 {yanjiu yijin-duangu @shu}
#ALIAS yanjiu7 {yanjiu dragon-strike @shu}
#ALIAS yanjiu10 {yanjiu zhanshen-xinjing @shu}
#ALIAS yanjiu9 {yanjiu xuanming-shengong @shu}
#ALIAS mbacksm {#forall (@golist) {%i};out}
#ALIAS mbacksl {#forall (@golist) {%i};l forest hunter}
#FUNC mark {}
#FUNC _passwd {}
#FUNC _pet {}
#FUNC _pfm {strike.hui}
#FUNC buy {30 gan liang}
#FUNC cst {e}
#FUNC bst {w}
#FUNC stay {1}
#FUNC hp_pot {1654470}
#FUNC hp_exp {34870995}
#FUNC kill {0}
#FUNC temp {n}
#FUNC items1 {10 lang pi|10 xiong pi|10 hu pi|10 she pi}
#FUNC items2 {5 lang rou|5 bear hand|5 tiger bone|5 she dan}
#FUNC items3 {3 dragon scale|1 wolf eye|1 xiong dan|1 tiger xxx|1 snake egg}
#FUNC hp_pot_lmt {3987911}
#FUNC hp_th_lmt {322084}
#FUNC hp_th {72061}
#FUNC _explmt {37000000}
#FUNC work {enter forest}
#FUNC hp_neili {90902}
#FUNC _neililmt {20000}
#FUNC leave {0}
#FUNC golist {}
#FUNC temp2 {n}
#FUNC lst {e}
#FUNC _myid {}
#FUNC needec {0}
#FUNC box_wp {seng gun}
#FUNC fb_time {1}
#FUNC num {8}
#FUNC hp_qi {109944}
#FUNC hp_qi_max {109944}
#FUNC hp_qi_per {100}
#FUNC fuben {1}
#FUNC fubem {0}
#FUNC 10lv {}
#FUNC _nogiv {jiuyin zhenjing1|jiuyin zhenjing2|xuan tie|magic stone|white silk|}
#FUNC _nodrop {liujin wanlian|lubo|rentou lian|laofang key|tong yaoshi|hong lian|short sword|cui yu|kulou guan|qiankunbook|yi xin|zhangfa tu1|zhangfa tu2|jian pu|dodgebook|wuming hua|hot hammer|baixiang hua|green sword|panguan bi|dilao key|xian dan|shenli wan|xisui dan|huohong xiandan|laofang key|buzhen xiang|hong lian|qingxin san|red cloth|silk|menghan yao|putuan}
#FUNC shu {200}
#FUNC home_id {}
#FUNC diu_name {}
3# .
 楼主| 夜摩天 发表于 2011-1-19 17:00:12 | 只看该作者
#BUTTON 1 {森林副本} {9fuben} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
#BUTTON 2 {设置} {#pr _myid {你的ID};#pr _passwd {你的密码};#pr _pet {你的宠物};#pr _pfm {你用的pfm};#pr 10lv {你的十兵};#pr diu_name {你丢的物品名字};#pr diu_id {你丢的物品ID};#pr home_id {你的房子ID}} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
#BUTTON 3 {说明} {#sh =========================================================; #sh 1.本机器人定位于全自动,潜能超出上限会领高效然后去自己的房子(如无研究房屋请自行更改gohome路径),每次进出森林副本会判断时间。 ;#sh 2.点击设置按钮将空填好; #sh 3.修改别名里的 1jf 1yg 用于激发技能和使用辅助技能增强状态;  #sh 4.研究的种类请修改别名里的yanjiu1--9 ; #sh 5.变量_nodrop及_nogiv内容填需要存入背包的物品ID; #sh  ===========================================================}

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